Boys' Brigade

The vision of the Boys’ Brigade (BB) is to be the youth organisation of choice, with the aim to nurture youth, based on Christian values to serve and lead.
Our Boys’ Brigade, the 82nd Company, serves the community through events such as BB CARES (Community Activities Rallying Everyone to Serve) and BB Share-a-Gift, spreading joy to the less fortunate. The 82nd Company also participates in many events and competitions every year, including the BB Blaze and Character Quest, which are island-wide competitions where schools across Singapore compete against one another.
The company instills discipline and teamwork through activities such as the annual expedition and kayaking. Its comprehensive programme of life skills such as first aid, community service, drills and campcraft, moulds them to be well-rounded individuals. Its robust training programme and achievements see it garnering the J M Fraser Award for Company Excellence every year.
The 82nd Boys’ Brigade Company seeks to grow from strength to strength, and nurture new and current members into better boys by instilling the values of obedience, discipline and self-respect into them, so as to better prepare them for challenges that may come their way in the future.
CCA Mentors
Mr David Lim Boon Wee (OIC, Sec 1, 4 & 5)
Mr Lin Minghao (2IC, Sec 2 & 3)
Mr Hoon Yeng Wei (Cluster Head)
Chaplain LTA Lee Yi Lun
Captain 2LT Desmond Loo
LTA Ling Ting Kai
2LT Clarice Ong
OCT Andy Sim
OCT David Poh
OCT Tan Chong Yan
OCT Christine Tey
CCA Leaders
Company Sergeant Major: SGT Niroshaan Kumar
Assistant Company Sergeant Major: SGT Aaqil S/O Shiraj
Admin NCO: SGT Jack Chan
Quartermaster NCO: SGT Aaqil S/O Shiraj
Training Days
Tuesday (3.45pm to 5.30pm)
Friday (2.30pm to 5.30pm)
(2pm Fall in for Roll Call and Attire Check)
J M Fraser Award for Company Excellence 2023-2024 (Distinction)
J M Fraser Award for Company Excellence 2019-2022 (Silver)
J M Fraser Award for Company Excellence 2017-2018 (Bronze)